On 5 October 1938, at the young age of only 33, St Maria Faustina Kowalska died from complications of Tuberculosis and internal hemorrhaging.
Even with modern science today, Tuberculosis, if not treated can be fatal. During St Faustina's lifetime, vaccines were not readily available. Tuberculosis viciously attacks the lungs, spreads to the brains and bones, coughs are sometimes accompanied with blood, feverish, breathlessness with chest pains. This is intensified with feelings of extreme fatigue and loss of weight.
Needless to say, St Faustina suffered greatly from this ailment. But she faithfully united herself to God's will, St Faustina was prepared in her heart for her final days on earth and was unafraid. First hand accounts by one of the nuns tells us that "Her face was gaunt, and its shape had changed. Her skin was yellow, and her eyes were huge and sunken ..."
The other sisters in her community said that they found it difficult to even look at her. Such was the suffering. But St Faustina remained cheerful and even smiling.
When a sister asked her if she was afraid of death, St Faustina replied; “Why should I be? All my sins and imperfections will be consumed like straw in the fire of the Divine Mercy.”
Her community remembered feeling God's presence in St Faustina's room whenever they visited her. Even those who were not kind to her reported feeling they were in the presence of a very saintly woman.
4 months before her death in 1938, her 3-day retreat, led by Jesus Himself (See Diary Notes 1753-1779), revealed what gifts the Sacraments are. He told her of the sanctification and salvation made available through the Sacraments, particularly the Holy Eucharist (Holy Mass) and Confession (Sacrament of Reconciliation). This is also the time when Jesus taught her to totally surrender herself to His Holy Will. Lessons from the Lord
Put 'self love to the last place',
Avoid gossip
Act kindly to those who sought to harm her
Hide in Jesus's Most Sacred Heart when tempted and discouraged
Trust that God is always there
Pray for the sick and dying
Practice Humility, Purity of intention and Love
Jesus also told her "Although you will not feel My presence on some occasions," Christ says, "I will always be with you. Do not fear; My grace will be with You" (Diary Note 1767).
This prepared St Faustina all the more for what laid ahead. And even though she could no longer participate in everyday community life soon after, she continued to draw strength from Holy Eucharist, and offered her immense sufferings to God for the salvation of souls.
At the final moments of her death, she told the sisters who were gathered around her confidently and with longing:“Today Jesus is going to take me with Him”. Then she lay quiet and peaceful.
In her final Diary Note, she writes “Today, the Majesty of God is surrounding me. There is no way that I can help myself to prepare better. I am thoroughly enwrapped in God. My soul is being inflamed by His love. I only know that I love and am loved. That is enough for me. I am trying my best to be faithful throughout the day to the Holy Spirit and to fulfill His demands. I am trying my best for interior silence to be able to hear His voice ...” (Diary Note 1828).
The life of this beautiful Saint is one to be modeled after. In life, she went above the call of duty to love one and all, especially those who tried to do harm and in her death, she showed us how she was trying to be faithful till the end.
St Faustina, Pray for us.
Note: The Link for the Sacrament of Reconciliation above was written by the staff members of NCRegister, who are not associated with the Centre for Divine Mercy.